About us

Increasingly, software development tools and platforms stand out for the Developer Experience they promote. The way software development is organised is also started to get recognised as a factor contributing to Developer Experience. Developers intuitively know what they like and what they do not like, but it can be hard to pin down why. Designing for good Developer Experience is not very common, and how it links to user, company, and societal goals is not well understood. We think Developer Experience should be examined in scientific research to gain a greater understanding of what drives good experiences for developers, how to design for good Developer Experience, and how to link it with experiences that others have.

The aim of this site is to create a fun, meaningful, and safe space where developers can share their experiences with other developers, learn about the science behind Developer Experience, and connect with researchers who study Developer Experience.

Your data is safe with us. Our scientific mission depends on doing things ethically. As a participant, you always control what you share and what you keep private. We do not collect any data from you without your permission. We do not share your data with anyone unless you have chosen to do so. We treat your data securely and privately. You can choose to share some data only with us for research purposes. In this case, we will protect your anonymity. When we report research results, we only report aggregate data and it will not be possible to identify your personal details or answers. You can also choose to share some data publically. In that case, we always make it clear that you are sending something for all to see.

Contact via email: info@devxlab.org